Phone: (412) 930-1954    Email: Tracy

Event Calendar


102 4TH STREET IRWIN, PA 15642 

Text (412)-930-1954 to reserve your spot or drop in for open paint.

Wednesday March 19th 6pm

Cacao Ceremony with Crystol

Join us for a guided meditation & discover cacao unique qualities and benefits in a relaxing and informative session   RSVP text or call 412897-0361

Saturday March 22 10-4pm 

Paint an Egg Contest  Adults and Kids

$7.00   Come in any time between 10-4pm. Get registered

Voting for eggs will be online til April 1st

You can take your egg with you -we will get pictures

Sunday, March 23 12:30pm

High Tea Party with the Lunch Lady on Wheels at Feathers Gift Shop

Enjoy an afternoon with traditional tea party food, decadent desserts, beautiful table settings, tea cups, and a relaxing atmosphere.

20.00 adults and 15.00 Children under 12

RSVP to Sharon 724-289-0889

Thursday March 27 6pm 

Charcuterie Board Class with a pretzel twist with FYE 

Text Twist to RSVP 724-433-8720

40.00 per person includes pretzels, all charcuterie supplies and instructions 

Saturday March 29 10am. -4pm

Girls Day Out , Henna Body Art, Vendors, Specials, Samples….
Local Vendor Day at Feathers Gift Shop

Local Vendors will be set up in the Studio

Come and support your local community and find some great treasures.

Wednesday April 2 10am to 6pm

Easter Pet Portraits with Portrait Princess 

$15.00 mini sessions 

RSVP to Yvonne @ 412-867-1383

Sunday April 6 1-3pm

Pysanky the art of Ukrainian Eggs-

Learn how to make them with Connie at Feathers Gift shop 35.00 a class

RSVP 724-838-8111text or call 

13 years and up please

Saturday April 12th

Easter Egg Shop Crawl 10-4 

Get a special Easter Egg at Feathers if you spend over $20.00

Find the Golden Egg in the store for a special Gift Card  

SATURDAY April 12th 10am- 2pm.


Pet Friends of Irwin will be at Feathers with cats and kittens available for adoption

Sunday, April 13 12:30pm

High Tea Party with the Lunch Lady on Wheels at Feathers Gift Shop

Enjoy an afternoon with traditional tea party food, decadent desserts, beautiful table settings, tea cups, and a relaxing atmosphere.

20.00 adults and 15.00 Children under 12

RSVP to Sharon 724-289-0889

Saturday April 19th

Paint Class and Fund Raiser for Fisher Furry Friends of PA

11am Bunny Paint Class 

2pm Chick Paint Class
You can purchase electronically  


Zelle 724-261-1468

Saturday April 26 10am. -4pm

Local Vendor Day at Feathers Gift Shop

Local Vendors will be set up in the Studio

Come and support your local community and find some great treasures.

SATURDAY May 3 10am- 2pm.


Pet Friends of Irwin will be at Feathers with cats and kittens available for adoption

Saturday May 3 3pm. 
Mother’s Day Cupcake Bouquet with McFeely’s at Feathers  

RSVP on their Website at

Saturday May 31 10am. -4pm

Local Vendor Day at Feathers Gift Shop

Local Vendors will be set up in the Studio

Come and support your local community and find some great treasures.

SATURDAY June 7 10am- 2pm.


Pet Friends of Irwin will be at Feathers with cats and kittens available for adoption

Saturday June 28th 10am. -4pm

Local Vendor Day at Feathers Gift Shop

Local Vendors will be set up in the Studio

Come and support your local community and find some great treasures.

SATURDAY July 12 10am- 2pm.


Pet Friends of Irwin will be at Feathers with cats and kittens available for adoption

Saturday July 26 10am. -4pm

Local Vendor Day at Feathers Gift Shop

Local Vendors will be set up in the Studio

Come and support your local community and find some great treasures.

SATURDAY August 9 10am- 2pm.


Pet Friends of Irwin will be at Feathers with cats and kittens available for adoption

Saturday August 30 10am. -4pm

Local Vendor Day at Feathers Gift Shop

Local Vendors will be set up in the Studio

Come and support your local community and find some great treasures.

SATURDAY September 13 10am- 2pm.


Pet Friends of Irwin will be at Feathers with cats and kittens available for adoption

Saturday September 27 10am. -4pm

Local Vendor Day at Feathers Gift Shop

Local Vendors will be set up in the Studio

Come and support your local community and find some great treasures.